Category Archives: conference

Interim report: Value of Presenting revealed

This spring my life has been dominated by writing. The result is a major milestone for the Value of Presenting: A Study of Arts Presentation in Canada.Value of Presenting

In this Interim Report of Findings I consolidate the facts and figures on the value and benefits of performing arts presenting in Canada gathered over the last year through two national surveys (288 presenters and 1,031 Canadians), participation at conferences, leading dialogues and interviews with the presenting field and those found in the literature. Additionally, it presents a profile of the performing arts presenting ecology as a whole and highlights how several groups of presenters are distinct; for instance, those presenting works for aboriginal communities, francophone minority (those operating outside Quebec) and those in rural and remote communities.

The Interim Report of Findings:

French-language executive summary:

The supplementary report on francophone minorities and presenting in Canada, with additional data:

Writing is both solitary and communal. My thanks and appreciation go to the project manager at CAPACOA, Frédéric Julien, for reviewing everything and co-writing the French report. And my colleague, Pierre Lacroix, who has been leading the consulting work with the francophone communities and co-wrote the French-language report.

Over the next year, I will continue to explore the implications of these and other findings with the presenting field across Canada. In March 2013, we will publish a final report on the Value of Presenting in both English and French.

This next week, I will lead two webinars for rural and Northern presenters to review findings and begin conversations on the “So, what” part of this work. For webinar information:

Election Polling Examined Intelligently

Last May, 12 polling companies were active during the federal election, using more methods to gauge the election intentions of Canadians than ever before. The poll closest to the actual election is the one that determines which pollster is the most accurate. Turns out, those who issued a final poll the weekend before the election were within the margin of error for most if not all parties: basically a tie.

The MRIA Ottawa Chapter organized a unique, intelligent post mortem for September 22 at the National Arts Centre: 8 pollsters are coming together to discuss lessons learned, from methodology questions relating to data gathering to question construction.  This is an important discussion the industry and Canadians need to have: only when election polling is done to the highest standards can it serve the public good. The May election was an awesome social research lab with the seismic shift (Orange Crush anyone?) taking place on the political landscape. Learning from these real-life events, and how researchers fared providing insight for citizens, is crucial in a democracy.

3 days ago, with the Ontario election on – and polling back in the spotlight, too – two staffers at IPSOS Reid,  the largest and most powerful research firm in Canada decided to lash out at everyone else in the entire industry; while it makes for fine pundit fodder the motivations haven’t been explained. Luckily, MRIA has issued a lucid response outlining the validity of various methods in polling and marketing research in general and affirming the integrity of Canadian marketing researchers.

MRIA Ottawa stands for intelligent discussion, insightful analysis and open discourse.

October 11, 2011 Update: View the panelists’ presentations.

Storytellers of Canada Yellowknife conference

Last year, I worked with SC-CC, a national arts service organization, to develop an external communications strategy. This year, I was invited as part of efforts to build capacity and skill to lead a full-day communications workshop at the association’s annual conference in Yellowknife.

It’s been fascinating to design this custom workshop. Storytellers by definition are communicators. And yet, when turning the attention to communications activities for the purpose of marketing, raising awareness and selling tickets it becomes apparent that there is quite a different skill set at work.

I have been reviewing the workshop design and content with a storyteller who has considerable marketing and communications skills gained through various jobs and initiatives. Together, I think we make a good team to bring  valuable insights, information and experience to this workshop on the 26th of May. An added bonus, I get to go to Yellowknife for a few days and experience part of Canada’s North for the first time.

Making Research Actionable

On November 20, 2008 I will present at this month’s MRIA Ottawa Chapter Speakers Series event. My talk will provide an updated NAC Orchestra case study to further illuminate how we succeeded in aligning research, business strategy and marketing execution to deliver outstanding year 1 results for the NAC Orchestra. I will also offer updated information to address work undertaken during the current year 2 of the 5-year Audience Development Strategy.

For the event details, visit the MRIA Ottawa Chapter site.

Conference Presentations

I am presenting at two national conferences on the National Arts Centre Orchestra work I’ve lead over the last 2 years.

Marketing Research and Intelligence Association National Conference in Winnipeg May 26, 2008 at 1 pm (full conference information)

MarCom for public and not-for-profit sector marketers and communicators
Hope to see you there!
Strategic Moves – Thinking : Business