Proof Points

Strategic Moves serves regional, national and international organizations across a range of sectors. Here are some of our projects:

Government of Nunavut, Feasibility Study for the creation of a Nunavut Arts Council (2023-2024); Develop the first Nunavut Public Art Initiative including design of peer review process. (2020)

imagiNorthern/Creative Manitoba / University College of the North (Northern MB) – Northern Manitoba Arts Workshop (Flin Flon): Design online surveys for artists and arts organizations to map arts and culture eco-system in Northern Manitoba (2022); Co-facilitation and develop Northern Manitoba Arts Action Plan (2023); 2nd Annual Northern Arts Workshop, organizing committee and facilitator, The Pas / OCN (2024)

Flin Flon Arts Council (Flin Flon, MB), Strategic Plan (2023)

Northern Arts & Cultural Centre (Yellowknife, NWT) – 5-year strategic plan 2024 to 2029 (2024); 5-year strategic plan (research and development) (2018)

deCoste Centre (Pictou, NS), 5-year Strategic Plan 2024 to 2028 (2023-2024); 5-year audience development plan, including audience research, patron profiles, growth strategies (2017), 5-year business plan (2017), update to economic impact study (2018)

The Whitehorse Star (Whitehorse, YT), Market Research (2024)

Yukon Historical and Museums Association (Whitehorse, YT) – Research and development of Digital Strategy (2023-2024)

Tourism and Culture, Yukon Government – Conduct background research for Creative and Cultural Industries Strategy; facilitate public consultation sessions (2019); Go Digital Tourism Summit – workshops (2024)

Vancouver Island Symphony (Nanaimo, BC) – 5-year Strategic Plan (2023)

Business for the Arts (Toronto, ON) – artsvest: Amplify and Engage: A Dynamic Marketing Workshop for Arts Administrators (2023)

Chester Playhouse (Chester, NS) – 3 year Marketing Strategy (2023)

Rivers to Ridges, Whitehorse, Yukon – International Market Study and Development of Marketing Strategy for Land-based outdoor education social enterprise (2023)

BC Touring Council, 3-year Strategic Plan (2023); Rebranding and Renaming Project; Develop suite of Organizational Policies, updated Bylaws for ratification (2023)

BC Music Festival Collective, 3-year Strategic Plan (2022)

Mass Culture (Toronto, ON). Arts Service Organizations – Positioning a Future Forward – Digital Solutions Pathways facilitation and conference presentation (2022-2023)

MonstrARTity / Bollywood Monster Mashup (Mississauga, ON) – Research and development for a Digital Strategy and Implementation Plan (2022-2023)

Magnum Opus Management/The Pitch Inc, Whitehorse, Yukon – Digital Showcase/ Marketplace for the Performing Arts. Project manager to build and market this B2B software application to bring artists in buyers together 24/7/365. (2020-ongoing)

Capitol Theatre (Moncton, NB) –  Research and Development of an organizational Digital Strategy (2023); Financial Analysis of Performing Arts Events – Rentals and Own Presentations (2022); Research and development for Strategic Plan 2022 – 2027 (2021-2022); Research and Development of Rental Attraction Strategy (2019); Review results from previous plan and develop 3-year Growth strategy (2018-2019);  Consult on audience research and prepare comprehensive 3-year Marketing Strategy (2015-16)

Amautiit / Nunavut Inuit Women’s Association (Iqaluit, NU) – Planning Retreat and research to develop a new 5-year strategic plan (2023)

The Heart of Riverdale (Whitehorse, Yukon) – Digital Needs and Maturity Assessment and Strategic Action Plan (2022-2023); Digital Action Plan Implementation coaching (2024)

 ArtsPond (Toronto, ON) – Together There, A digital justice project; Symposium Curator Outside the Core for the third Digital Arts Services Symposium in 2023 (2022-2023); DigitalASO, Northern Canada Representative (2020-2021)

Fredericton Playhouse – Research and development 3-year Marketing Strategy and implications for Human Resources (2022); Rebranding research and development including creative direction for implementation (2020);  Design and facilitate community stakeholder presentation and workshop to articulate a compelling vision for new performing arts centre (2016)

Hermione Presents/SpringWorks FestivalPuppetry Arts Digital Evolution – a national digital literacy and intelligence initiative for puppetry and multi-disciplinary arts in Canada (2021-2022); World in a Weekend marketing strategy for SpringWorks and Stratford Summer Music Festival (2022); Digital Business Model Evolution (2023)

Home Routes / Chemin Chez Nous – Digital Assessment and Evolution of Post-COVID Business Strategies (2021); Development of a hybrid – digital and in-person – business model (2021); Research, develop and implement an open, linked data strategy centred on Wikidata to enhance discoverability of artists and entities related to Home Routes (2021-2022); Business requirements and user research for a custom Digital Tour Management System to activate Home Routes’ New Host Model (2022-2023)

Yukon Employees Union (Whitehorse, YT) – Design and facilitate Strategic Planning sessions (2022)

Craft Nova Scotia (Halifax, NS) – Organizational and Program Review through Equity, Diversity and Inclusion lens (2021-2022)

Imperial Theatre (Saint John, NB) – Research and develop a 10-year Fund Development Strategy (2023); Research and develop 3-year Marketing Strategy (2022)

Mission Folk Music Festival (Mission, BC) – Rebranding Strategy and Digital Action Plan (2021-2022)

City of Vancouver – Heritage Awards Event – Concept Redevelopment in light of COVID exploring digital-only, in-person-only and hybrid award ceremony through a lens of reconciliation and equity, diversity and inclusion. (2021)

Yukon Hospital Corporation – Strategic Plan 2022 – 2027 research and support for development (2021-2022)

Yukon University – Lead development of the University’s 5 year Strategic Plan 2022 – 2027 (2020-2021); Lead research for development of strategic marketing and communications plan (2021); Digital expert for the Elevate Program for tourism industry (2021); Marketing and Digital Expert in the Pivot Program to support business and entrepreneurs to pivot their business as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic response (2020)

Alianait Arts Festival (Iqaluit, NU): Strategic Plan 2022-2026 (2020-2021); Strategic Plan 2014-2019 (2013-2014)

Manitoba Arts Network – Manitoba Showcase workshop series (2023); Develop and operationalize an ongoing Audience Research and Insights Program for MAN members (2022); Digital Assessment and Strategies for events, generating member value and developing new digital services; Help develop a provincial Digital Innovation Working Group (PUMA – Powering Up Manitoba Arts) (2021); Making Tomorrow Better: Taking Digital Action in the Arts workshops (2020-2021)

Atlantic Presenters AssociationMaking Tomorrow Better: Taking Digital Action in the Performing Arts – A custom series of Digital Literacy workshops in 6 provinces and 2 territories (2019 – 2021); Curated and facilitated Building a Digital Arts Nation conference in November 2021 (2021); 5-year strategic plan (research and development) (2019); Workshops and Presentations for members (2011 – present)

Feral Arts, Australia – Design and facilitate Arts in the Digital World: Inspiration from Canada (2021)

STO Union – Digital Marketing Strategy and Dissemination Business Plan (2021)

BC Museums Association & Heritage BC – Future Perfect: Part 1 – Guide to Designing Awesome Online Events and Conferences including case studies; Part 2 – A New Breed: Your Guide to Creating Effective Blended/Hybrid Conferences and Events  (2020-2021)

Yukon Transportation Museum – Advise on digital business models for products and services  – Launch Pilot with Yukon Spin (2020-2021); Research and evolve Digital Strategy (2023)

Queer Yukon / Yukon Pride Centre – Design community-based strategic planning process, facilitate strategic planning retreat and develop 5 year strategic plan for start up and initial operations for Yukon Pride Centre (2020-2021); Branding Strategy including naming, creative brief for design of branding assets, visual communications (2021)

Capital Regional District (CRD): Led broad-based community engagement and consultation process to identify key implementation strategies designed to achieve the goals of the CRD 2015-18 Strategic Arts Plan (2016); Facilitate 2nd annual Arts Champions Summit (2018); Stage One: A public conversation about performing arts facilities in the CRD – report and recommendations (2020)

Western Arctic Moving Pictures Society, Yellowknife, NWT – Digital maturity and needs assessment; digital strategy (2020)

National Arts Centre (2006 – ongoing): Qualitative and quantitative audience research, demographic studies, customer data analysis, program testing, audience development and marketing strategies, forecasting, strategic counsel – serving all disciplines and initiatives at Canada’s largest performing arts centre.

Ladysmith Arts Council – Digital Literacy project, design and facilitate Vancouver-Island wide strategy meeting for arts organizations; presentation on how to in digital marketing (2019)

Conseil des arts Temiskaming Arts Council – 3 year strategic plan (research and development) (2019) South Temiskaming Cultural Sustainability Project (Temiskaming Shores, ON) (2016): Design and facilitate Cultural Roundtable toward formation of an Arts Council.

Kawartha Youth Orchestra – Feasibility Study for Social Development Through Music program (el Sistema- inspired) (2018-19)

Folk Music Canada – 3-year plan including export development (2018)

Propeller Dance – strategic planning (external research; strategy retreat) (2018-2019)

Nakai Theatre – 5-year strategic plan (research and development) (2018)

Music Canada Live, 3-year business plan (evaluation and development) (2017-18)

Digital Innovation Council for the Performing Arts, co-chair with Frédéric Julien, (CAPACOA). Published in April 2017: Digitizing the Performing Arts: An Assessment of Opportunities, Issues and Challenges.  Flowing from our initial explorations within The Value of Presenting study, we are embarking on a new national initiative to identify and investigate opportunities for emerging digital technologies in the performing arts; with a particular interest in exploring feasibility of a future-technology web-based/digital dissemination platform. (2016 >>> future)

CAPACOA (Canadian Arts Presenting Association) and Regional Presenting Networks (since 2011): Lead The Value of Presenting: A Study of Performing Arts Presentation in Canada and deliver customized professional development training and presentations and CAPACOA Conference presentations and workshops.

Klondike Institute of Art and Culture (Dawson City, YT) 2015: 5-year strategic plan; 2016: marketing planning and custom training; fund development plan. 2016: marketing planning and training; fund development plan and case for support. 2017: fund development strategies

SPARC: Supporting Performing Arts in Rural Communities (Haliburton, ON): Network Symposium key note (2014) keynote and workshops (2016); Network Summit facilitation and content expert (2014); presentation and workshops (2018); Membership Engagement Plan (2023)

Yukon Hot Springs (2016): Web strategy – Web requirements document and information architecture for investment website.

AOE Arts Council (Ottawa, ON): 2015-2017: Renaming process including marketing research to better reflect existing scope and range of activity and strategic plan 2015-2020

Ottawa Public Health (2015): Research and review of status of Youth Engagement Strategies in Public Health.

Creative City Network of Canada; Summit presentations (2012 Victoria, 2013 Ottawa, 2015 Kelowna, 2017 Halifax); CCNC in your Community Facilitation (2012 Victoria, 2015 Kelowna) and reporting; strategic planning board retreat (2015 Kelowna)

Island Mountain Arts, (Wells, BC) (2015): Design and facilitate Strategic Planning Retreat

Northern Exposure Conference, (Wells, BC) (2015): Facilitate and lead conference sessions; (2020) Workshops and Panel facilitation for digital conference

Canadian Public Arts Funders – panelist on Characteristics of Rural and Remote Arts Communities (2022); CPAF: Discussion paper and presentation on Strategic Communications focus Value of the Arts (2015)

Canadian Border Services Agency – CBSA (2015): Recruitment Marketing Strategy

Canada Council for the Arts: Yes I Dance Survey for the Dance Mapping Project – communications and recruitment (part of EKOS Research team), Social Impact of Dance Organizations survey (2013-2015); Digital and social media strategy for Governor General’s Visual and Media Arts Awards (2015) and Governor General’s Literary Awards (2015); Digital Strategy Fund juries (2018, 2019)

Tourism Industry Association of the Yukon: Presentations and workshop on Cultural tourism and online marketing  (2015)

Wilderness Tourism Association of the Yukon: Online marketing workshop (2015)

Alcatel-Lucent, Ottawa, ON – Data visualization/Dashboard for Global Executive Team (2015)

Yukon Arts Presenters Summit / N3 Summit: Marketing training; keynote; arts, culture and tourism sector expertise (Reflections on summit) (2014 and 2018)

Brookside Music (Midland, ON): Research and development of marketing strategy and plan (2015)

Culture Days Ontario: Research on Organizational Sustainability and Funding Avenues (2011)

Iridium Communications – McLean, VA & Chandler, AZ: Surveys of global partners, employee focus groups, communications audits and user acceptance testing of corporate web site (2009-2015)

National Research Council – Canada Institute for Science and Technology Information: Rebranding – research and strategy development for Canada’s National Science Library (2010)

Storytellers of Canada: Develop external communications strategy and deliver training webinars and national conference presentations (2010-2011)

Ottawa Storytellers: Research and Audience Development Strategy (2010)

City of Cornwall, Economic Development: Place branding – Research on rebranding City of Cornwall and design grassroots initiative (2006-2007)

United Counties of Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry: Place branding – Research and consultation (2009)

Canadian Geographic: Canadian Atlas Online – Editorial direction and scripting (2003-2013)

Contact us to request case studies on these and other projects.